Photoshop B&W to Color


Using a recent myself, I transformed the black and white version into 3 different modes of colors
: Complementary, Monochromatic, and Triad Colors. I used the Adobe Color website to select the schemes of colors and then exported the scales (below) to my desktop, in order to insert the colors aside each selfie of myself, according to the mode. Through my work, I used the selection tool and the lasso tool the most, however, the lasso tool was easiest when I need to get into more detail. I would select the object of the photo and recolor the object to a color of the mode I selected. Each photo has my logo-tag stamped onto it as well; seen on the window of the background.

Color Swatches

Complementary, Monochromatic, and Triad Colors


B&W Image

Color Transformations


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